Thursday, November 8

Adult - 11/8

I am horrible at being an adult. I'm pretty sure a big part of that comes from still living with my parents at age 22. And also being a student. But still, I'm pretty bad at it.

Adult things I did today.
I showered and remembered to put on deodorant.
I wore clean clothes.
I paid attention in most classes and finished my homework.
I put a check in the bank.
I remembered to buy milk and salad greens for dinner.
I put away my laundry properly this morning.
I made my bed.
I read a history book on the bus.
I took good notes in my classes.
I helped my mom finish cleaning her studio.
I got to class on time.

Non Adult things I did today.
I did not pack my lunch, so I spent $10 on food. Some of that food was a chocolate bar.
I ate nutella with a spoon.
I did not schedule my doctors appointment.
I did not wear sunscreen.
I wore a hoodie.
I forgot to make scalloped potatoes for dinner so we are having rice instead.
I did not read the book on Roman coins that I should be reading.
I did not take notes on the book I'm reading.
I forgot my history paper in the printer, and had to print it at school for $0.12 a page.
I hate-read -
I did not go to the pharmacy.
I did not go to the gym.
I did not finish my reading for Early Greece.

In other news. 
My book on the history of beverages is delightfully interesting, I might have a partner for my research project, I got to see my boyfriend and I slouch.
My parents are home from their vacation.
Washington voted Obama, weed and gay marriage. I'm excited about it.